tag : JZ PubSub

JZ Publish/Subscribe Updated to 1.4

One of the projects here on Joe Zim’s JavaScript blog is a Pub/Sub jQuery plugin that allows you to do the simple and generic subscribe, unsubscribe, and publish capabilities that you already find in jQuery (through on/bind, off/unbind, and trigger) but without all the extra overhead that jQuery has. JZ Publish/Subscribe has been updated to 1.4 and features a simple bug fix. You can also read about what to expect in 2.0, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.

JZ Publish/Subscribe jQuery Plugin Version 1.3 Released

It’s been a little while since I’ve taken a look at JZ Publish/Subscribe, but recently I had a great idea to fix a problem I was having trouble solving. Mix that in with a few more bits of context capability and you have the version 1.3 release of JZ Publish/Subscribe. Go ahead and read a little more to get the scoop on this great idea and how it will make using JZ Publish/Subscribe more stable.

JZ Publish/Subscribe Version 1.2 Released

It’s a great day here at Joe Zim’s JavaScript Blog and surely a great day for the users of the JZ Publish/Subscribe jQuery plugin. This plugin has now been updated to version 1.2 and has gained probably the best feature it could gain at this point in its life and something that, arguably, maybe should have already been included with the plugin.

How and Why JZ Publish / Subscribe Should Be Used

If you don’t already know, JZ Publish/Subscribe is a jQuery plugin that I developed to add a simple, but powerful Pub/Sub feature to the jQuery utility functions. I’m guessing there are some people out there who don’t understand what Pub/Sub is, how to use it, or why to use it. I’m here to bring some answers and give a specific example of how JZ Publish/Subscribe can be used.

New jQuery Plugin: Publish/Subscribe

I recently started looking through Dojo because another blog writer seemed to highly recommend it while saying there’s no real need to use jQuery. Dojo seemed quite powerful, probably having DOM manipulation on par with jQuery, but only if you required the correct extra modules. Also the syntax for Dojo is far more verbose. Still it seemed like Dojo had something that jQuery didn’t, so I sought to find what jQuery was lacking. It turns out that the only thing that Dojo (excluding Dijit and it’s other separate libraries) had that jQuery didn’t was a publish/subscribe module.