tag : JavaScript

Automatic Minification With Node.js and RequireJS

Last time we talked about how to use NPM and some of the command line utilities that you can install that are built using Node.js. Today, we’re actually going to build a small command line utility ourselves that can be a bit of a time saver. We’re going to use the RequireJS optimizer to automatically concatenate and minify our CSS files the moment any of them are changed.

NPM and Using Node as a Command Line Tool

Node.js was made to bring JavaScript to the web server so that people could use the same language on their front and back end, but that’s not its only possibility. Though it might not be extremely well suited for it, Node.js can still allow you to run command line tools easily. Many of the packages on NPM are command-line tools that make your workflow much smoother. Let’s take a look at some.

JZ Publish/Subscribe Updated to 1.4

One of the projects here on Joe Zim’s JavaScript blog is a Pub/Sub jQuery plugin that allows you to do the simple and generic subscribe, unsubscribe, and publish capabilities that you already find in jQuery (through on/bind, off/unbind, and trigger) but without all the extra overhead that jQuery has. JZ Publish/Subscribe has been updated to 1.4 and features a simple bug fix. You can also read about what to expect in 2.0, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it.

Node.js for True Beginners

I remember trying to get into starting with Node.js months ago and, to be frank, it wasn’t the simplest process. Installation was a hassle, and pretty much required the use of a Linux of Mac computer. Now, Node.js has evolved to the point where just about anyone can get started using Node.js (maybe not my grandparents, but they don’t even have a computer). Let’s get started!

Backbone Application Walkthrough Part 5: RequireJS - Video Tutorial

Finally! We’ve made it to the end of the Backbone.js Application Walkthrough video tutorial series. In this final video, we make few small adjustments for the sake of organization and a bunch of other changes that convert the application to work using RequireJS. Almost every file gets touched in this video, but each only receives minor changes in order to create an overall major change in modularity and optimization.

Backbone Application Walkthrough Part 4: It Lives! - Video Tutorial

We’ve made it to part 4 of this Backbone application walkthrough series. This time we finally get the app to do something worthwhile… like work! The application finally lives as we implement the router and hit the “GO” button. Check out the power of the router and don’t forget that just because it’s running, does not mean we’re done. The next and final video in this series converts the application to work with AMD and RequireJS.

Backbone.js Application Walkthrough Part 3: New View and External Templating – Video Tutorial

Moving on to part 3 of the Backbone Application Walkthrough video series, we work on moving all of the templates to external files to reduce the dependency on the templates being included in the index.html file and so that they might become available if we use these views on different pages. Also, I added an extra view that wasn’t in the original application because, as you’ll see in the video, it makes things a little nicer.

Getting Started With Node.js and Express 3

I suspect quite a few of those starting with Node are interested in using it for web development. Of the web frameworks available for Node, Express is leading the pack. And version 3 is in beta. I’m just getting started with Node and Express, so I thought I’d help you all get up and running that much more quickly. I won’t get into the boring details of installing Node and NPM. That part is especially easy now that they have Windows and Mac installers available on the Node website.

Backbone.js Application Walkthrough Part 2: Views and Templates – Video Tutorial

We’re moving right along in our video series of tutorials walking you through the process of writing a Backbone.js application. Today we cover the views and embedded templates. There are a number of views here, all pulling from the same models and collections of wine. You’ll see each view, what it’s for, and how it works its magic. Click on through for this long look at Backbone.js views and templates.

Something New... What Will It Be?

After spending 3 nights in a row creating one simple screencast (1 the recording failed, 2 the video was fine but the audio was quiet, 3 the audio was fixed), I didn’t feel like messing with videos another night. So, this time we’re going to do something a little different. Normally I (and now a few other contributors) write about whatever suits our fancy. This time, you – the audience and reason for the existence of this blog – all decide.